The money will come to you. Not the other way round.
To Give or Not To Give?
Many rituals that involve giving are part and parcel of Christian religious culture. In the different sects that have emerged, one is encouraged to give in one way or the other.
Be it tithing or offerings in the Church; you should give a certain amount according to the much that you can contribute. A wealthier Christian should provide more than one who is not as affluent. Contributing in this manner might have been a way to bring about social balance in the distant past.
In the USA, the Christian tradition still stands as a pillar of the dominant faith. Churches, therefore, raise an adequate amount of money to improve the various communities surrounding them. But has been the real objective of a large number of clergymen in the nation? If so, then why are the most prominent American churches involved in the very thing that Christianity condemns so dearly? And why is the Church ready to teach but not practice what they preach?
The Bureaucratic Behemoth
Churches began as a way to rally the masses around the dictates of Christianity. To be specific, the proclamations in the book of Matthew 28:18–20 put a sharp emphasis on following the teachings presented by Jesus. The words are not exclusive only to the direct assertions of Christ but also those who represented him. Paul quickly comes to mind, for Jesus’ works inspired him. He also claimed divine inspiration from Jesus to spread the gospel.
Here we have two instances where both influential figures respect the government. The first is one of the most famous attributions to Christ, “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.” In a test to ascertain whether Christ was against the Roman government, he gave this answer to direct his followers to respect the authority and the law of the land.
The second instance is one not many have heard. In Romans 13:1, “Let everyone be subject to governing authority.” As bitter as Paul was to the Roman government, he still emphasizes following the laws of the land. Pragmatically, it would be for the sake of law and order.
Although there was a catch in the dictation of Paul.
Authority is ordained by God.
It would be possible to build a tool of manipulation out of religion. First, you’d have to convert the majority(People converted willingly in many instances). Then what follows is the politicization of the faith (By making it state religion). Finally, any actions that follow could immediately be either placed on God or Satan. In that way, accountability is out of the picture.
The wheels of Christian driven imperialism then drove the world to suffer in the name of God. The Bureaucratic Behemoth of Christianity had now arisen as a governmental entity.
Church and Tax
Churches have predominantly enjoyed financial backing from their states for a significant amount of time since antiquity. America’s constitution defines a Church as a charitable entity.
The constitution reigns supreme, and the one thing that separates the Church from a tax is a few lines of legislation. It means that no matter how much wealth a church generates, all of it shall remain free due to the exemption from taxes.
A church is a business that is free from any taxes. Proper marketing and even a guise clad in scripture will propel the investment of the followers. The average American Christian probably follows their religion as written(With regards to providing a fair share of financial contribution). Those in charge may not hold those same ideals as the opportunity is too great to pass by.
Is this why a handful of American pastors are some of the wealthiest individuals on the planet? Isn’t Jesus scathing against those who are wealthy in Matthew 19:24? But then again, Paul stood with the government on upholding the law. The law says that churches are exempt from taxes.
The question arises. Can anyone exploit the system without any repercussions? Probably. And if so, then it should be considered the best business investment one can make.
Scaling the ladder of the industry with a pure work ethic and business acumen will give you pure profits and a life one can only envy. A jump start in capital through giving and charitable actions can allow one to invest in different things for the prospects are starting to look bleak for Churches in America.
People who used to give so generously are not up to the task anymore. The number is reducing and may even become meager in the future.
The Most Prolific Pastor-Investor In America
Let’s invent a new word- “Pasvestor.” Great. Now we have a word for the kind of businessman/woman you potentially could be.
Wielding the means to live a better financial life is no issue. How you do it is what makes the difference between a charlatan and a person of conduct.
Let’s look at the most significant American Pasvestor Kenneth Copeland(I’m not linking a picture to avoid copyright ;). Here we have a man that is well over $700 million. He owns a private jet and lives in a mansion sanctioned by his “Church.” The beautiful thing about this is that he teaches you how to be as wealthy as he is. One of those wonderful tips is that-
Wealth transfers are work-related.
A verse is placed immediately below that. It proclaims, “A sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous.” –Proverbs 13:22 (NIV).
With both of these, I agree with all my being. I do so because the hard work of sinners powers the transfer of wealth to his ministries. Ye sinners need to contribute the little you have to make a man of God wealthy.
Now you have the tools that can make you a lucrative business and pure profits. Use this information as you wish.