About Me — Mwaniki Njagi

Look into my eyes and feel the brown

About Me Stories


Me by author

1+1=11 and I can prove it to yah!

Apparently, math is not necessarily the first thing that comes to mind whenever I try to describe myself, but I know a few tricks that can blow your mind.

I use my second name as my first because these days it does not make sense to call me Freddy anymore. It is probably a result of having the same exact name as my gramps, and I don’t think both of us responding to someone shouting “Freddy” is the ideal setting.

When I am not going through dozens of books, I prefer to reminisce about my pet lion and the times we had together. Was a surreal time knowing the little dude back when I spent lots of time with him. I named him Bushy as he was basically a furball that loved sleeping on my shoulder.

Majestic. Isn’t he?

Yes. That’s my lion. Well, my mom takes care of all the cats as I hear they are now more than ten in number haha.

I grew a sweet tooth for music and different languages. So when I am bored you’ll find me doing one of my favourite activities, listening to foreign music in languages that I barely understand. I guess listening to Stromae’s music is what started me off on my journey to self-learn French and a few other languages in 2019.

My Pencils

Back when I used to draw extensively, I decided to make the world my enemy as it was so determined to sever my relationship with my pencils.

Whenever I see someone approach my desk and look at my ludicrous collection of biros and pencils, my heart palpitates, and my brain boldly proclaims in a Shakespearan fashion:

Touch my stationery and you’ll have to advance towards me to face my malicious intent, BRETHREN!! Thou shall catch mine hands.

With those pencils, I have traced the map that I shall charter a voyage to enlightenment. With those biros, I have penned the desires and intrigues of my heart. And on those pages, is an extension of the very embodiment that defines who I am and aspire to be in a future page yet to be written.

In those books, I am not a man; I am a force that has yet to gain any momentum. I am a spirit yet to sever the anchors that tie me down. I am the sage yet to become wise enough to teach someone substance. On those pages that I painstakingly take care off and tenderly paint each letter, I am me. I am Mwaniki.

Okay, let’s get some yoghurt and proceed.

Done with yoghurt? Fine.

You wonder why I may not have to say about my life. Eh? Simple. I have hardly lived much. You could call me a young cub as my 20th birthday quickly approaches in a few days. But I am eager to keep learning and how things go will determine who I will be.

I’m pretty sure I will have a story for yah. It will be a great one. It will be a glorious one. Not the best one out there but one you’ll like and you might chuckle a bit.

One day I aspire to tell you a story. A story not too mundane and not too outlandish. A fit that I would describe as the right size for you and me both.

Join me in this new journey in my fresh publication that is yet to be painted by the painter who never has canvas, Mwaniki:



About Me Stories

Writer. Techie. History buff. If it changes the world I’m on its case. Open for gigs… freddynjagi@gmail.com! Published by the Writing Cooperative.